Sunday, September 9, 2018

Week Six!

Happy Sunday! We are so excited to see what this next week holds in store for the scholars of 1A, it's sure to be a fantastic week! 

Here are some snapshots of what we were up to at school last week: 
Working very hard in Spalding to spell out sounds on our fingers and write our spelling words!

Class chalk party as a reward for good team work in class! 

Our September birthday celebration, Happy Birthday, Daniel Marks! 

Homework for the week of 9/10 
Nightly: read for 15 minutes, phonograms to practice: th, oo, er, ai, ir, i, ay, u, ee, s
Poem: The Pasture by Robert Frost   Idiom: Golden Rule
Monday: live (short i), live (long i), hill, late, big, bag, beg, bog, bug, and 3.2 Test B
Tuesday:  mother, three, land, cold, hot, hat, child, ice, play, sea, see and WB pg. 40-41
Wednesday:  bird, cool, earth, feed, fur, green, oil, paint, pool and WB pg. 42
Thursday: review all words and 3.3 Test B
Friday: practice phonograms, and WB pg. 43-44

Math and Reading Group Volunteers Needed: We are looking forward to math and reading groups beginning next week! Please find the link for the groups below and sign-up as we are still in need of many volunteers. Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Please sign up here for math groups (Wednesday's @ 10am):

And here for reading groups (Thursday's @ 1:50pm)

Dress Code Reminders: Here are a few dress code reminders to ensure compliance with our Great Hearts Family Handbook. Thank you!
-Shirts tucked in with a belt
- Hair accessories must be school colors and nail polish must be nude or light pink
- Hair must be above the top of the shirt collar. Hair should be styled so that it does not fall below the eyebrows or past the midpoint of the ear.
-If jewelry is worn, it must be religious in nature. 

Water Bottles:
If possible, please send in a water bottle each day with your child. We want to make sure that they feel refreshed and hydrated after expending much of their energy in the sun during recess! Students are always permitted to use the drinking fountain but are able to drink more when they have their own water bottle in class as well as during lunch and snack. 


Poem: The Pasture by Robert Frost   Idiom: At first you don’t succeed try, try again!

Writing/Grammar: This week we will begin learning about pronouns! A pronoun is a word used in place a of a noun. We will work together to identify, write, and use different pronouns including: he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, and theirs. 

Spalding: Please see below the spelling words for this week. A list of all 30 words will also be sent home on Monday to keep for the week. Please practice saying the phonograms each night.
Weekly Phonograms: th, oo, er, ai, ir, i, ay, u, ee, s
Monday: live, live, hill, late, let, big, bag, beg, bog, bug
Tuesday: mother, three, land, cold, hot, hat, child, ice, play, sea, see
Wednesday: bird, cool, earth, feed, fur, green, oil, paint, pool
Thursday: all words
Friday: practice phonograms

Math: We are excited to begin math groups this week! Please sign-up for a spot to volunteer if you haven’t done so already.  This week we will continue to strengthen our addition skills as we practice various methods for adding.  We will have a test on Tuesday and Friday.

Science: This week we will study our last two habitats! We will learn about rain forests and ponds. We will compare and contrast the types of habitats that we have learned and discuss what kinds of plants and animals live in different environments. We will also begin reviewing for our first science test coming next week. An optional review sheet will be sent home before we take the test. 

Literature: We will finish our Cinderella around the world stories by reading the Chinese Cinderella.  Students will select their favorite Cinderella version and create their very own Cinderella shoe!   We will begin reading Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel on Monday, September 17th
 so please ensure your child brings their book to school by then. Thank you!

History: This week we are excited to begin our new chapter on Mesopotamia. Now that we have learned what the seven continents are, we can learn about what happened on those continents. Toward the end of the week we will be doing a fun cuneiform project. 

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